
Monday, October 18, 2010

Environment won't hurt Dems

Which goes against what you would expect for a GOP tidal wave. 23 districts were polled where the Dems were in a tough fight, and the 21 who won't be hurt too badly for their vote are:
Jerry McNerney (Calif.); Betsy Markey (Colo.); Alan Boyd (Fla.); Suzanne Kosmas (Fla.); Alan Grayson (Fla.); Leonard Boswell (Iowa); Debbie Halvorsen (Ill.); Phil Hare (Ill.); Frank Kratovil (Md.); Mark Schauer (Mich.); Carol Shea-Porter (N.H.); Dina Titus (Nev.); John Hall (N.Y.); Steve Driehaus (Ohio); Mary Jo Kilroy (Ohio); John Boccieri (Ohio); Paul Kanjorski (Pa.); Patrick Murphy (Pa.); John Spratt (S.C.); Tom Perriello (Va.) and Steve Kagan (Wis.). The ones in a dead heat for their votes are Zach Space in Ohio and Harry teague of New Mexico.This is just another sign that Democrats should not be running from their accomplishments. We need to talk about health care, and energy, and the other good things we've done. Of course, Republicans say that this would kill jobs and the economy, but they've been wrong about things before. Although, if anyone knows how to kill the economy, it's a Republican. And now I ask that if there is someone in one of these 23 districts who reads this, please go make calls on behalf of the Democrat.

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