
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Conservatives Lay Out $2 Trillion Dollar Spending Cuts

And it tackles 55 different programs and agencies, such as Amtrak, Public Housing, and International Aid, amongst other things. But not on the list were: defense and entitlements, known as Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security. It has not been endorsed, but it is the most specific that the Republicans have come up with. Another idea involved is to, when unemployment is down, freeze welfare spending at the same amount it was in 2007. Honestly, I don't expect the Republican Party to honestly look at cutting defense. They've never done it before, so why start now? They'll probably hit up the entitlements and welfare. If the republicans were seriously interested in cutting spending and deficits, they would stop giving away tax cuts, and Democrats would stand up when they actually tried. But that's like saying North Korea will disarm. Not going to happen. On this plan, many financial experts say it can't be done, because it would cut the government by at least half within the next nine years. Here's the deal: we can no longer afford the Sacred Cows. We must reform Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and cut defense. If someone has some ideas, I'd like to hear them.

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