
Friday, March 30, 2012

"Frothy the Catholic"

It looks like the end for Rick "Frothy" Santorum. He's good in the South, sure, but he isn't winning any states that are important. He couldn't win in Michigan, he couldn't in Ohio, he couldn't in Illinois. These are all states that will be important. And now, in terms of actual delegates, as well as endorsements, he is screwed. Because Wisconsin is expected to go for Romney, what with Paul Ryan's endorsement. Plus, Wisconsin is a Democratic Stronghold, so it may very well be more moderate, which spells doom for a Santorum campaign. With that said, I hereby issue a call for him to get out of the race. The truth is, he cannot win.

Now, for the anxious people who say, what if?, I say this: IF he somehow wins, even by a difference of one delegate, I will retract my call, because it will show he may yet stand a chance. Plus, quite frankly, it would throw the party into confusion and give Obama a chance to boost his numbers.

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