
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Michigan Governor Endorsements

Today is Wednesday, and it's a good time to release the final endorsement for the State of Michigan. Rick Snyder, the incumbent, has no issue positions on his website whatsoever. Therefore, it was necessary to go back to the bills he has signed. As a Governor, he has passed a Right to Work bill (or Right to Work for Less, if you so prefer.). This bill caused no end of headaches for the State, as it led to many protests and a shut down of the Capitol, I assume to avoid the protesters at the steps. And then he had the nerve to sign it, even while saying it "wasn't on his agenda." Which begs a question: was it a lack of leadership, lack of the ability to say no to his own party? Or was it a cynical political ploy, a gamble by a former businessman? After all, it's hard to argue you aren't up to anything as you are signing something that would benefit you and your business associates. And business would love to see the end of unions. He has come out against a minimum wage increase, which is foolish when two thirds support raising the wage. (See my March 10th post for other reasons why someone who is serious about helping people should support this.) Meantime, he has banned benefits for same sex partners and is against same sex adoption, which is illogical once you factor in that typically speaking same sex relationships with kids are far more stable than heterosexual relationships.

However, even while some of the things he has done have either been damaging to us as a people or utterly ridiculous (such as abolishing the requirement that motorcycle riders wear helmets), he has some good things on his record as well, not the least of which is a vetoing of concealed carry expansions. Concealed carry is just not appropriate in certain areas, such as schools or bars, which this bill would've done. After fighting his party, he has signed an expansion of Medicaid; as part of the Affordable Care Act, it is an important first step in making sure the people who need coverage the most have it. The State of Michigan now requires that lottery winner's names be shared with the Department of Human Services, in an effort to end abuse and double dipping, which means money and help for those who need it. It is a logical, sensible reform that we need. And if you or your child has autism, insurance companies must provide coverage for treatments, which is important. Especially as autism continues to grow, currently it is found in 1 out of every 150 people.

So it would appear that Mr. Snyder is a bit of a mixed bag. A moderate if you will. And who's running against him? A private investigator named Mark McFarlin. Mr. McFarlin originally planned to run as a Democrat; however, due to his conservative stance on certain issues, he is now on the Republican ticket. On his site, he mentions repealing Right to Work laws, which will make liberals happy. However, he mentions establishing fair labor laws. They are supposed to be fair for all involved parties. The question is, what does he plan on doing to make things fair for all negotiating? Will it be Right to Work Lite? He offers no specifics on this. Where guns are involved? He would expand concealed carry, and (presumably) pass laws cutting the number of gun regulations there are. And what happens then, do you think? Probably more gun deaths. Mr. McFarlin also stands against same sex marriage, and it is safe to say that there will be no expansion of LGBT rights in our state. A lower income tax, to be made up by a higher sales tax, is a bold idea. Unfortunately, its more apt to hurt the poor and middle, who have less to begin with. This will no doubt lead to fewer services, and other spending cuts, which may harm the citizens who rely on state programs to begin with. This makes it a double whammy. From this little bit he has released so far, it is safe to say he, too, will be more center, center-right.

Democrats, meantime, have united around Mark Schauer. Mr. Schauer has already distinguished himself from Mr. Snyder in an important way: he has actively called for a minimum wage increase, to $10 dollars an hour. He has also put forward a belief that we should try to rely more on green energy, namely solar and wind. This is a good thing, as it will lower our dependence on oil; it will also open a new sector of jobs for the state, making us less reliant on the auto industry and its profits. He is also for expanding civil rights bills to protect the LGBT community and is for same sex marriage. And he is pro choice, which should unite liberals behind him. The question I have is this; what other forms of green energy would he invest in and expand? Also, would he be open to further health reforms on the state level, a la Vermont? While I don't have answers on these, I do believe this will have no bearing on my endorsement. Given his willingness to extend dignity to all groups, given his willingness to put more money in the people's pockets by supporting a measure that has massive support already, given his pro green energy stand, I have no real choice but to endorse the Schauer for Governor campaign.

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