
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Michael Bloomberg plans $50M gun effort

Michael Bloomberg plans $50M gun effort

Thank God (or whatever being you pray to) that someone is taking on the NRA. And it's just like the mayor said: there's no complete ban on guns. You'll still have guns for self defense, hunting, target practice. What we stand for is common sense, like background checks. But the NRA is completely against background checks or any other common sense measure that might cut down on the dead and dying. They have completely bamboozled the people into thinking they are headed for a dictatorship, when nothing could be further from the truth. And why? There's money in it, for one. Money and power corrupt, and the NRA has too much of both. I encourage all people to check out Mayor Bloomberg's groups, and to donate time or money.We can't afford not to take a stand.

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