
Monday, May 10, 2010

Supreme Court Choice

The President has announced his choice for the next opening in SCOTUS, and it is none other than Elena Kagan, solicitor general sine 2009. Miss Kagan has also worked as the White House associate council, and has been Harvard's Law Dean. Now, we have agruments for and against this nomination. The first pro is that she has no real paper trail of opinions, which means that she may be able to avoid those hot button issues that trip up so many. She is also seen as a pragmatist, someone who prefers to see both sides and reach across aisles to work out solutions. However, this lack of experience may also be a thorn, as no one has any real idea of which way she'd go, which has many on the left nervous. Liberals are also nervous because she has been seen, as solititor general, of protecting many Bush-era policies on terror. All right, for those of you who were good enough to subject yourselves to this, I have my opinion. Here it is: I would wait a little while, or at least move here to a court of appeals. I do value a willingness to listen, to reason, and to reach out to make a deal. However, the fact that we have no idea how she'll react makes me nervous, as a slide to either extreme won't be good for the country. Now, I do support the Patriot Act, with one major requirement, and that is that there be conclusive purse that the person being monitored is a terrorist. All I ask.

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