
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Are you happy with the debt deal?

Most Republicans aren't. Some have gone so far as to air this displeasure, including Bobby Jindal, the Governor of Louisiana. Mr. Jindal apparently believes that compromise is to be avoided, saying that the "press roots for it..." Damn straight we do. Compromise is a sign of willing to work for the greater good. But that doesn't fit in with the extremists in the Party. He has even gone so far as to say the idea of default was overblown. Was it really? Without a debt limit increase, we wouldn't be able to pay bills. Debt would pile up, our credit rating would go down, we'd end up paying even more on our outstanding bills.  So, to me, it was, and still is, a very real possibility. He also went so far as to say the Wall Street traders, who still vote Republican, for some reason, would call for raising the debt limit. That's because they would lose money otherwise. And now, a couple of questions for Mr. Jindal. First off, why not compromise? It'd would make you look like you aren't being held hostage by the base. You would bring in the moderates, which would help your political prospects. So why not compromise? The second question is for all Republicans who think there was no chance of defaulting: What if you are wrong? Would you be willing to stake money, the lower classes jobs, YOUR jobs, and who knows what else on something like that? I don't think you would. Just one more sign that the Republican Party is not looking out for us.

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