
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bush Tax Cuts

How many of you support the Bush Tax Cuts? Okay, put your hand down. I'm just kidding. But in all seriousness, the cuts will soon be up for a revote. And, unfortuantely, but not surprisingly, Democrats don't have the spine or the balls to end them. The thought is that by letting them end, the economy will be harmed, and they'll lose their job. If the Republicans get their way, the cuts will be permanent, meaning a loss for the government of about 4 trillion. Obama's plan isn't much better: he would let the ones for the rich expire and keep the ones for lower and middle classes. This would still mean a loss, but only about three trillion. Was our economy any better when the cuts for the rich went through? No, it wasn't. And people have so little now, we need to keep the lower tax breaks. What do you think? Leave me a note, or e-mail at

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