
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Heatlh Care Spending

It is always a tad aggravating when new reports on health care spending comes out. It always seems like the people can not make up their minds for anything. Well, here's one more report to confuse you. Before the overhaul, it was expected to spending was to go up 6.1 percent a year over the next ten years, now it's expected to go up 6.3 percent a year. And that oh so slight spending increase will mean that it will cost about 71 billion to implement everything by 2019, compared to 143 billion in savings. Which means, less defecit is paid for then was originally planned. However, that's not to say there aren't some savings: spending in Medicare will go down by about 1.4 percent each year, due to cutting in areas where overpayment was found. Enrollment in Medicaid, which covers medical costs and hospital costs, as well as Children Health Insurence enrollments will go up. While there are things i would like to change about this bill, this isn't one of them.

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