
Saturday, September 11, 2010

New War On Terror Weapons

How long have we been in Afghanistan? Has it really been nine years? It took us nine years to come up with new technology, which may help us in the long run. The number of drone strikes, or strikes made by unmanned planes, have gone up, but the number of civilians killed has started to decrease. How was this done? Well, five defense sources say that it is due to better intelligence (So where's Bin Laden?), being more careful about the strikes, and better weapons. As it turns out, the drones may now carry smaller, better made weapons. This new weapon, according to sources, is called the Griffin, a thirteen pound warhead, which is just the front of the missle, which contains the explosieve meterials. It is so small that for every one of the traditional, twenty pound Hellfires, which have a wider range, you can get three Griffins. Also, the Griffins have less range, which means less destruction, and only things immidately nearby are killed. It will get the terrorists, and leave the rest, which is good news for all. I think, anyway.

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